15 Best Garden Hacks to Instantly Improve Your Green Thumb
Do you love gardening? Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, these tried-and-tested garden hacks will make your gardening experience easier and more productive.
1. Get Rid of Weeds with Baking Soda
Mix 1 cup of table salt, 1 tbsp dish soap, and 1 gallon of 30% strength vinegar. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray directly onto weeds during the daytime for best results.
2. Use Eggshell Water for Calcium-Rich Plants
Eggshells are packed with calcium, which benefits vegetable and other plants. Instead of discarding the water after boiling eggs, use it to water your plants once or twice a week.
3. Repurpose Old T-Shirts as Plant Ties
Stretchy fabric from old t-shirts makes excellent plant ties. Cut strips and use them to support growing plants without damaging their stems.
4. Use an Old Colander to Sift Soil
If your soil has too many rocks, use an old colander to sift them out quickly instead of picking them out manually.
5. Make Your Own Eggshell Fertilizer
Crush and dry 20-30 eggshells for 5-7 days in sunlight, then grind them into powder. Sprinkle 1 tbsp for small pots and 2-4 tbsp for larger ones to enrich the soil with calcium.
6. Bury Pots Underground to Control Root Growth
To prevent plant roots from spreading uncontrollably, plant them in buried pots. This helps contain root growth while allowing the plant to thrive.
7. Use Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer
Sprinkle used coffee grounds around plants to improve soil quality. Coffee grounds provide nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth.
8. Make Biodegradable Seed Planters from Eggshells
Cut eggshells in half, rinse them, and poke a drainage hole at the bottom. Fill them with soil and plant seeds or herbs inside. This helps young plants grow before transferring them to the garden.
9. Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Healthier Roots
Mix 1 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of water and pour it into the soil every three weeks to prevent root rot and restore oxygen balance.
10. Regrow Rose Cuttings with Honey
Take a 6-inch-long rose cutting, dip it in raw honey, and plant it in a pot with garden soil to encourage root growth.
11. Boost Root Growth with Rice Water
Soak chopped banana peels in water for three days and use the nutrient-rich water to water your plants once a week.
12. Stop Weed Growth with Salt
Mix 3 tbsp of salt with a small amount of water and spray it on weeds. This method is great for stone pathways and driveways but should not be used near desirable plants.
13. Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer
Chop banana peels, soak them in water for three days, then use the strained water to nourish your plants once a week.
14. Neem Oil for Natural Pest Control
Mix 1 tbsp of neem oil with 2 liters of water in a spray bottle. Spray it on plants to repel insects and prevent plant diseases.
15. Start Seeds in Eggshells
Fill eggshell halves with seed-starting mix, plant two seeds in each shell, and lightly water them. Once sprouted, transfer the whole shell into the soil.
Try these easy hacks to keep your plants thriving with minimal effort!